Good morning Nordics! It's always a great day to be a Nordic. 143!

Financial Aid Night
Wednesday, October 12 @ 5:30
Where: Mrs. Lindholm's Room
Who should attend: Anyone planning on going to college
A representative from Bay College will be presenting information that will apply to all students planning to attend college even if the student is not attending Bay College. The Bay representative will provide parents and students with information regarding filing the FAFSA, financial aid resources, and she will also be available to answer questions students and parents may have. All senior students and parents are encouraged to attend.

North Dickinson 5 on 5 basketball tournament for 4th-6th grade boys and girls is Saturday, November 5. Registration is due Friday, October 28. Click the link below for more information and the registration form.

Bus Drivers Needed!
If interested, please contact Mr. Oman for more information. (906) 542-9281

Happy 4th of July Nordics!

Happy Halloween 🎃

Sir Watson the Dragon visited the Kindergarten this morning to learn about letters and letter sounds.

This is the first day of Homecoming Week 2022-23. Many of our students were dressed in their Christmas decor this morning.
Tomorrow is Halloween! We can't wait to see what costumes our Nordics will be wearing!

Homecoming Bonfire! There will be a bonfire after Friday night's Homecoming game for high school students only. A DJ will also be available.

The JV football game against Stephenson scheduled on Monday, September 26th has been canceled.

Let's make some Rockets!

Congratulations to Isabella Johnson who promoted to white/yellow belt, 9th gup at the North Dickinson School Black Dragon TKD class.

Thank you Brayden for brushing Sir Watson this morning

Due to Saturday's weather forecast the sophomore and junior class golf tournament that is scheduled for Saturday, September 10th will be moved to Sunday, September 11th at 1:00. Check-in will be from 12:00-1:00 at the white tent.

Nordic Knight's in Training at recess!
Pictured from left to right are kindergarten students Munro, Ina, Annette, and Elijah.

Mr. Schemmel's PM bus route has been combine with other routes reducing our evening routes back to four. We tried to keep return times as close to what they were as possible. Please be patient as your child may be a little later returning home.

Congratulations Mason Murray, ND senior, on successfully completing your CDL! We are very proud of you.

Bus Routes are on the main website, not the app.
To find the bus routes, click menu and the 2022-23 school year.

There will be open gym in the mornings from 7-8am for students 4th-12th grade. Students will be playing pick-up style basketball games. This will begin the 1st day of school, Monday, August 22nd. *Please note students are NOT allowed in the weight room without adult supervision.*

Football for grades 9 through 12 begins Monday August 8, 2022.
Equipment hand out is at 3:30 with practice starting at 5:00 PM.
Volleyball for grades 9 through 12 begins Monday, August 8, 2022 at 4:00 PM.
Athletes must have a current athletic physical on file to participate.