Spanish Class Supplies:
Three subject notebook (Sp. II students may be able to continue using the one from last year)
1" Binder
1 package 3x5 notecards
A zipper pencil case or similar case to store flashcards for the year
1 Three-hole-punched folder to keep in your binder
loose leaf paper- College Ruled
Black pens

Strength and Conditioning/Open Weight Room 9-11AM
Monday, July 25
Wednesday, July 27
Thursday, July 28

August 2nd 2022 Election
The August primary election has a proposal from the North Dickinson County School on the ballot. The school is asking voters to approve a 2 mil tax for a sinking fund. This fund has been in place and renewals have been approved continuously for around 20 years. The fund was last renewed by the voters in 2012 for a period of 10 years and that approved sinking fund is expiring. The proposal on the ballot this August is a new tax because the language in the proposal this August will allow the school district to use sinking funds in part for safety/security improvements at the school. Safety and security was not permitted use of the sinking fund when it was last approved in 2012. A few years ago the law changed, allowing sinking funds to be used for technology and security, however, the District cannot use it for that unless the voters approve the new millage that contains the new language. Because the school is asking for the new use of the funds, it is a new millage not a renewal. If approved the maximum amount the school board will be permitted to levy will be the same as the previous years - 2 mills. There is no change in the millage between the old sinking fund and the newly requested fund. The school board has not levied the full voter approved two mils for the past several years. They have levied only the amount necessary to sustain the sinking fund based on planned future projects.
A Sinking Fund is a way for residents to invest directly in their school system by keeping their tax dollars local. In Michigan, a Sinking Fund is a millage levied to support your local school safety improvements, technology improvements, and the repair and construction of school buildings. The sinking fund cannot be used to pay wages, fringe benefits, regular routine maintenance, furniture, books, etc…

Monday: 7-18
Open Weight Room/Strength & Conditioning. 9am-11am
Tuesday: 7-19
Open Weight Room/Strength & Conditioning. 9am-11am
Thursday: 7-21
Open Weight Room/Strength & Conditioning. 9am-11am

Watson came to school today to get in a little exercise!

Shea, Alle, Dalaney and Ella ready to board the plane for their DC trip. Good luck, have fun and behave Nordics! 143

Strength & Conditioning / Open Weight Room
Monday, July 11. 9-11am
Wednesday, July 13. 9-11am
Thursday, July 14. 9-11am

Kindergarten and New Student Registration Parents
If you have a kindergarten aged student or are new to the District and have school aged children, please contact Paula in the school office to register your child(ren) for the 2022-23 school year.

Board Elections -
This November, two of our school Board member's terms expire. The deadline to submit a Nomination of Board Candidate(s) is Tuesday July 26, 2022 by 4:00 PM with the County Clerk/Election Coordinator. Nomination of Board Candidate(s) consists of an affidavid of identity and petition or $100 filing fee.

Time is running out to get your application in for the K-12 Music/Band and MS English teaching position. Job posting is on our main page. Deadline to apply is June 30, 2022.

Congratulations Brendan Graham who was promoted to white/yellow belt, 9th gup, at North Dickinson School, Black Dragon TKD class.

From Lynn Oman - please share!
ND All Class Reunion- 2 more days!! If you're interested in coming when the music starts, without eating, as many have mentioned- BY ALL MEANS COME! I will "Pass the hat" for this. Give what you can, but please be there!
Many faculty from past years looking forward to seeing their students!
It's always a great day to be a Nordic!

It was so exiting to see the amount of students (Nordics and non-Nordics) that registered and attended the basketball camp at ND!

Sir Watson Cooper, the Hero from the land of Murphy came to visit Mrs. Inglese today! He stopped by the North Dickinson branch of the Dickinson County Library to check out some summer reading books too!

The fall/winter 2022-2023 athletic schedule is now posted on our new school website. Once on the website go to Menu, click on Athletics, select Sport and click on the schedule you are interested in. Good Luck Nordics!

The weight room is open! Please note- we are waiting on the new weight equipment to arrive so it is not fully equipped or fully put back together but it is functional and has enough equipment and weights available to get a workout in! 🏋🏼

"Congratulations to Samuel Rossi who was promoted to white/yellow belt at North Dickinson School, Black Dragon TKD class."

UP North Volleyball is holding a volleyball camp for Nordics July 11th through the 13th. The Middle School team camp is from 1-2:30 PM and the High School team camp is from 3-5:30 PM. Player registration information can be picked up in the office. The cost of the Middle School camp is $55 which includes a shirt or $45 without the shirt. The cost of the High School camp is $75 which includes a shirt or $65 without the shirt. Contact Coach Taylor, Coach Savannah or the school office for more information.

The gym will be shut down on June 24th for floor stripping, waxing and burnishing prior to the wooden floor being refinished. There will be no access to the gym starting Friday June 24th through the July 10th reopening.

Welcome to our new platform. You can access information regarding North Dickinson County School via your phone with this wonderful app or via our website located at www.go-nordics.com. We are planning on using this app as a way to communicate with our students, parents and community. We are very excited to start next school year with this new tool.